Sunday, November 22, 2015

Math Debates: Round 1

'Tis the Season to...

As part of our math explorations this year, the 5th grade will be hosting Math Debates! At the end of certain time frames, the students will be faced with a debate question to argue based on what they have studied. Since the first two time frames focused on multiplication strategies, what better question to ask than: 
Which multiplication strategy is better- 
the area model or the traditional algorithm? 

Students were asked to select a strategy that they could defend in a "TAKE A STAND" style debate. In this method, students physically move to an area of the room that has been designated for their 'side'. Once there, students share ideas and record them on a large piece of paper. After a coin toss, one side begins the debate by presenting an argument. The opposite side follows with a counter-argument that supports their side, or tries to discredit the claim made by the other side. 

Before the debate began, we reviewed expectations. We also discussed the difference between choosing and defending an argument and arguing. This was key in making the debate successful, education, and fun!

                                                                 Debate Results: 
One class presented strong arguments, and a strong closing argument (see video below) for the traditional algorithm. However, the other class, in the end, determined that students should be able to use whatever strategy works best for them. Very diplomatic! Check out some highlights from the debate below
Staying Organized: Featuring Angely, Brianna, and Emily 

Switching Sides: Featuring Justin, Angely, Summer, Andrew, and Joey 

The debate continues with respectful disagreement: Featuring Avaughn, Brianna, Joli, and Samantha 

Closing Arguments: Featuring Jacob, Bryce, and Joey

1 comment:

  1. Great job to the kids! Love this blog, it's a wonderful idea.

    Beth Roche
